Friday, May 15, 2009

More stupidity...

Wow...2 days in a row posting!!! It's a miracle! (Now if I could just get readers ROFL)

More stupidity in the news today.

A Florida mother is demanding her daughter's school destroy and reprint their yearbooks. The reason? Her daughter wore a short skirt with no panties on the day the club pictures were taken, sat in the front row, and may have exposed herself in the picture. Story Here

The daughter's reasoning? She didn't want panty lines. Huh? Who sees panty lines when you're sitting on your tush? Anybody looking that closely to pictures shouldn't be in posession of a school yearbook!

Moral to this story: If you're going to go without underpants, wear a longer skirt.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Great message!

While driving home from work I was following this guy:

Normally following somebody in a motorcycle isn't a big deal, but this is what the back of his t-shirt said:

So, we see he's advertising safety, and has a cute picture of a sad face with a head