Monday, June 1, 2009

Bored really

Well, nothing's really pissed me off lately that's blog worthy. Of course work is always a good pisser offer lol But that's nothing new and would be too monotonous to blog work all the time *g*

I could go on a mini rant about trying to lose weight. Why is it so easy to turn into a fat cow, but so hard to get thin? LOL

I started first by cutting waaay down on junk food for a month, lost 5 pounds (yay!), then I cut waaaaay down on drinking pop, switched to iced tea, lost another 5 pounds (yay!). SO...after about 3 months of limiting junk (I still eat some on occasion, but not three meals a day like I used to...I swear if I get cut, I'd bleed chocolate sauce) I decided to start exercising. Now, I find regular exercise to be very boring so when somebody suggested playing DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) would be an excellent workout, I decided that that could be fun exercise. I bought Dance Praise which is just like DDR but with Christian music. I like it. There's a mode where you can start out slow and easy, but each song gets just a weeee bit more difficult. I can usually go 30 minutes on this mode before getting worn out. There's also an arcade mode where if you hit the steps correctly, you get power ups, some good and some bad. I like the confetti one, covers the screen in confetti *g* This game also comes with a calorie counter. It counts how many calories you've burned by doing the dances. I went through 5 songs...and burned 38 calories...that's the yogurt I had for breakfast LOL

Just thought of something else to rant about....last minute notices. My pastor wants to start a puppet ministry, but we have no puppets. He also sprung it on me last Sunday that he wants me to write the puppet skits for VBS, but could I have them done in a week or two so we can practice acting them out and get them pre-recorded before VBS week (June 22-25). Uh yeah sure...I'll just call in sick for an entire week so I have the time. And as for doing these with no puppets....that'll be fun LOL

Something good that happened at work Saturday night....I stopped a $1500 liquor theft. Of course one of the clerks on Sunday told me I was racial profiling for watching these guys in the first place...but if I wasn't watching, they'd have gone out the door with $1500 in liquor. I was covering the camera counter for a break. I stepped into the little back room for a couple minutes and kept hearing bottles clanking together. I peeked out the door and saw 3 black men loading up a shopping cart. I stood back where I could see them but they couldn't see me and watched for a bit. I saw one of them pushing the cart down the aisle, so I stepped out of the back room where I could be seen and just stared at them. The one pushed the cart back into the aisle and they spent about another 5 minutes looking to see what I was doing (staring at them lol). He signaled to his buddies to drop what they had, then they started to wander and hang out in front of the camera counter. I kept staring *g*. The 'leader' asked if we carried Rose...I knew they knew we had Rose, they were just over in that aisle loading up so I told him I didn't know liquor, if we had it it would be on the wine wall. He said he couldn't find any, didn't want me going to help look, and the three left empty handed. After the clerk came back from break, I went down the aisle and found the shopping cart filled with $500 of liquor. Just before we were leaving, the clerk found a hand basket with more liquor...and it was filled, it took both of us to lift it into a cart. I put everything in the back room for the manager to see the next morning. The liquor manager was ordering, and found another hand basket with even more liquor. The 2 managers watched the security tape from the previous night, and saw that one of the guys actually went into the liquor back room and took 3 bottles of $45 tequila. Once everything was totalled up, it was almost $1500. What did I get from the company for stopping $1500 from walking out the door...."good job". That's it..."Good job" When the store manager gets back from vacation, I MIGHT get a $5 customer service award

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