Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I want to screw up like this and keep my job.

Wow, they sure employ some real idiots in our corporate office.

A few months ago, the company decided to do a "Big Relief Price Cut" by lowering prices on certain items in the stores. Good idea, however very poorly implemented.

Some brilliant person decided the "Big Relief Price Cut" tags should be noticeable so customers can tell what items are included. SO...they made the tags look exactly like our clearance tags! Problem with that...they look exactly like our clearance tags. Anybody ordering merchandise for the departments will take a quick glance and not order while thinking the item is on clearance. Hence, out of stock on a lot of the items.

Next brilliant idea....shelf bullets. They sent these red circles that say "Big Relief Price Cut" that we were to clip to the shelves at every item that was included. Hmmm OK, however the bullets are too big, customers walk into them, they get bent over and you can't see the shelf prices!

Hmmm OK, that's not working out....SO they decided to change the color on the tags from red to yellow since we use Yellow for sale tags (logic would dictate they try this first instead of the "clearance" colored tags). The tags came in on Sunday and I spent 4 hours separating and sorting the tags into which aisle they were to be hung in. Uh oh, somebody goofed and the tags had the wrong prices on them! I get to work this morning and am told "Throw the tags away, they're no good"...so I spent 4 hours sorting garbage.

Since the right hand never knows what the left hand is doing, somebody else decided that it would be nice to make the sale a permanent price change so they sent new regular price shelf tags for about 2,000 items. I spent 6 hours today putting up these tags, get to the last page of tags and the manager comes over "We just got an email, we don't have to put these up". Great.

The latest now is that we're supposed to get a reprint of the yellow tags on Thursday....another 4 hours sorting, and the idiots in corporate want them hung by closing Thursday. My manager laughed and said "yeah right".

I'd love to see the corporate yahoos work at store level for one month so they can see how much their screw ups affect the stores.

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