Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Deadbeat Dads

Here's my personal vent...deadbeat dads. They're out there and they're making single mom lives heck.

My son's father moved out of state trying to avoid paying child support. It didn't work. What was he avoiding? $25 per week! That was the court order for 15 years. Last summer I had it increased...to $50 per week. Why so low? He won't work. First he claimed that there was no work (he moved to Wisconsin--he can make cheese for all I care), then at court he claimed he had a mental disorder and wasn't able to work due to panic attacks. Guess what he said when he was asked if he's applied for disability? "I didn't think I would qualify". Well, if you don't qualify for disability, that means you can work! The latest, he's refusing to pay because he doesn't have visitation rights anymore. When we went to court, he waived visitation because I wasn't going to allow my son to be taken out of my state after he was shown pornography at his father...errrr sperm donor's house. Now the donor and his mother are refusing any contact, even if initiated by my son (and they told my son this), and are refusing to send support. There is an income witholding order on file, so when the deadbeat does work, I get his paycheck. Right now he owes almost $5,000 in back support over 16 years.

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