Monday, April 6, 2009

Hang up and Shop!

I know I'm not the only retail worker who is really peeved by people who chatter away on their cell phones while we're trying to wait on them.

I had one today. I was covering a break at the camera counter. I was running a roll of film, and heard the woman talking away on her phone. She was standing at the register, but made no move to end or even pause her conversation. I finished the roll of film I was working on, looked up, said "I'll be right with you"...THEN she decided to put her phone down.

Something else that peeves me is those bluetooth earphones. I see people walking through the store holding conversations...and it looks like they're talking to their cart of groceries. "Hello broccoli, are you having a nice ride in the shopping cart?" I thought one of these people were trying to ask me a question, so I said "Pardon?"...and they snipped I'm on the PHONE!" Like I can tell, you're not holding a phone and I see you talking to yourself.

Have you ever been stuck behind one of these in the checkout line? They feel the need to finish their conversation before even bothering to look for their money, then it's the checker's fault when they can't find enough because they're searching through purses with one hand while the other is holding a phone (actually, some people should try super glue then they'll have a hands free!) and talking so much that they don't even know what they're looking for.

Please...just hang up the phone until you're done shopping!

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