Saturday, September 11, 2010

Things overheard at WalMart

As much as I didn't want to, I had to go to WalMart this morning to get some things I need for a dessert I'm making.  I'm amazed not so much at the abysmal customer service but with the idiocy I see and hear there every day.

Heard just today:

Customer (actually, this was me):  Where can I find waxed paper?
Employee:  I dunno, did you look in school supplies?  

Maybe if I was going to write a dissertation with it

In the parking lot:

"Why are there so many cars?"    Ummmm because you're in a parking lot?

"Weird, the ground is all wet."   Because there's water falling from the sky!  Run for your lives!

The last time I was in, my total was $7.27  I gave the clerk a $10 bill and the 27 cents.  It confused her, she didn't know how much change to give me. 

I had a cashier who ran out of some coins that was required for my change.  He said "I'm out of ten centses" and called for change.  I was in a hurry so I said "Just give me 2 nickles, I'm in a hurry".  He looked confused and said "I don't think I can do that."   Ummm...last I looked 2 nickles was equal to one ten centses.

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