Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The next chapter in the Dentures Online saga

Well, things aren't looking too good about having new teeth for the new year.  They got my last impression on November 15 and I didn't get the next fit until today...a month later.  I was told that it takes ten days to process a wax fit, and was told two weeks ago that they were going to overnight them from the lab.  I don't think I've gotten a truthful statement from them ever.

This fit, the bit was fixed, the alignment was fixed, but they are still too big.  This means that if I'm lucky, I'll have the next fit by Valentine's Day.  Yet another impression (I have no idea what they've done with the last two) and sending the box back.

Here's the second fit


These do look a little better in...however I can't open my mouth without them falling out.

So...now the wait begins again.  I did send a report to the Attorney General's office.  I'm debating if I should just wait for them to take action or continue pestering Dentures Online until I have the denture I was promised.

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