Friday, July 3, 2009

A lot to gripe about

This has been a couple weeks from H-e-double-toothpicks.

First off, thanks to Dave from Not So Straight From the Hip for featuring my blog on his. Of course this means I might actually have to post more than once every 3 months ROFL .

Let's start with the

A couple weeks ago I had a week's "paid" vacation. I get my check via direct deposit, so every Friday morning I go to my bank's website and check my balance to see what my deposit was. Usually it's no problem. This morning I should have gotten paid for my vacation week. I check deposit. I go into my work's associate website and see that no check was issued for me for my vacation week. Hmmmm ok some body screwed up. Get to work, and tell the manager. What do they say "Well, you'll have two checks next week" um OK, but that doesn't help any for THIS week. Store director came in, I mentioned it to him (since he's the one who was supposed to have sent in the vacation hours), and he blamed the assistant (who's out of state this weekend)...and once again "You'll have two checks next week"...but still, that doesn't help for THIS week. SO.....getting exceedingly pissed off I kindly informed management that at that time I had $20 in my pocket, 1/4 tank of gas, and bills to pay. Gas will last me maybe the weekend so I'd have to call in next week until Friday morning when the two checks hit the bank. Plus, I might need a day to call those who have bills due and explain that my idiot managers failed to pay me for vacation time so I didn't get a paycheck and please don't give me late charges and I'lll pay double next week. They finally decided that I could get an emergency cash payout that I'll have to give back when I get my two checks next week. What really pissed me off though....none of the managers wanted to take responsibility for the mistake. While I blame all three to an extent, the Store Director is the biggest to blame because he should have made sure that the vacation time was put in. What's nice, the assistant manager (who is being trained on how to do payroll and assumed the Store Director had already put in the vacation time because that's not something he's been trained to do yet) had offered to give me a loan that I could pay back either one lump or little by little. That was very nice of him, but since I got the payout, I don't need it.

My other gripe is the education system where I live. Basically if you're not an illegal alien, you don't get squat. I received a letter the other day informing me that my son did not have enough credits to move onto Senior year, so he'll be a Junior again next year. Now....not once all year did I receive anything telling me that he was in danger of not moving on. No failure notices, no phone calls, no emails, nothing. Why didn't they say something when there was time for him to make up the credits. Now today I get a bill in the mail for the previous year...when I was supposed to get free fees because I'm low income. Apparently they've changed their mind and figure that $280 a week is too high to get free fees. By their thinking, because I rent from my parents that I should include THEIR income as mine. Um, nope. I don't get any of their income, and part of their income is my income since I pay them I don't see why I have to include them just because they own the house. Do they include the landlord's income for all renters? I don't think so.

Back to a work gripe...after having 10 days off for vacation, I get back to work to find my department in a shambles. SO....I say that I wanted the next day to put it straight again. Didn't happen. I had to cover another department for 3 hours. I had yesterday off (because I have to work on the 4th---that's another gripe....I have to work a holiday and all the company gives me is $8), and today when my warehouse order comes in, I have to cover for another 2 hours because the cashiers who were scheduled for today (a holiday weekend) were cut from the schedule. I have my yearly review coming up and it's going to be a bad one because my department looks like crap because I've been working every job in the store but my own.

I'm ready to walk out and go work somewhere else.

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