Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Child Support

This is a subject that ticks me off the most. I touched on the subject a little in my very first post.

First a little background:

My son turned 18 this past April. I dated his "father" (I more commonly refer to him as a sperm donor since that's all he did) for a year before I got pregnant. We were engaged, but I broke off the engagement when my son was 6 months old. The reason was that the sperm donor was just too immature and there was no way he would be able to support a wife and child. He spent his spare time partying with his buddies, I had to beg to get a package of diapers for the baby (he was always broke because he spent all his money on his buddies). He completely skipped out on the first birthday, he claimed it was because his best bud was getting married. That bud has been married 3 times...his child only had one first birthday.

While I was pregnant, I went on public aid. Part of this was pursuing child support. The baby was about 2 months old when we first went to court. The first thing he did was order a paternity test. This angered me because I was a virgin when we started dating, and he'd been the only man I'd been with. He tried to claim that he was sterile (obviously not). Then his mother kept saying that the baby didn't look anything like him so it couldn't possibly be his child. Of course the test came back saying "You ARE the father".

Public Aid tried to get me $350 a month for support, however when they went to court, sperm donor brought in only one W2 that said he only made $5,000 the previous year. Going by that I was only awarded $25 per week for support. To get out of paying, he moved to Wisconsin. When that didn't work (because I sent Illinois his address) and the support started coming out of his paycheck, he quit his job. For about 4 months his mother sent letters to the state saying that he was unemployed and couldn't pay his support. They finally sent him a letter saying that unemployment was no excuse and he still owed, if he didn't pay he'd be arrested. His parents paid his support for him for nearly a year.

When my son was 15 I discovered that during a visit when he was 13, he was shown porn. At that point I decided to take the sperm donor back to court to amend the visitation order so that he could not take my son outside of Illinois and no overnight visits without supervision. Rather than deal with this 'bother', he decided to waive his visitation rights. I also asked for an increase in support since it was costing me more to raise him. This time his W2 said he made $300. Thankfully I had a judge who wouldn't let him get away with that. I knew that the sperm donor had been working as a Blues Brothers impersonator for cash (which is not reported on a W2), so the judge took that into consideration, as well as a housing allowance since he lives with his parents rent free. The support went up to $50 per week. The sperm donor says this is too much of a hardship for him so he stopped paying. I do have a few court orders that require him to work, report once a month, and if he's not working he has to file unemployment and report that once a month.

Here's my vent: He never did pay his back support from the previous 18 years so he owes me about $4500 in support. Now that my son is 18, the sperm donor doesn't think he should pay anything, including the back support. Once again, another court order so he knows that he still owed the back support. Of course now this is ticking him off so to "punish" me, he sends as little as he can. Last month I got $50 the entire month. Today I got another payment...$50. At this rate I'll have grandchildren before I see my back support.

What is it with some men that they think they can get away with this stuff. The only people they're hurting are their children. Men like this should be castrated.

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